The Church and the Library: Studies in Honor of Rev. Dr. George C. Papdemetriou

Dean Papademetriou and Andrew J. Sopko, Editors

ISBN 978-0-972466-11-0

About the Book

Both the Church and the Library have traditionally been storehouses of knowledge. Likewise, this volume collects knowledge in the form of academic studies by renowned scholars from such fields as history, education, inter-faith relations, and theology including:


I: History and Inter-Faith Relations

* Tischendorf and the Codex Sinaiticus: the Saga Continues, Michael D. Peterson

* The Continuity of the Holy Man: Orthodox Hesychasm and Dervish Mysticism in the

Late Byzantine and Early Ottoman Periods, Tom Papademetriou

* The Triadic Form of Divinity in Christian, Greek, Hindu, and Buddhist Thought, Vassilis Vitsaxis

* The Chionios Case and Judeo-Christian Religious Groups in the Fourteenth Century, Alexander Zanemonets

* Dialogue among the Three Monotheistic Religions for Peace and Trust in Today’s World, Gregorios D. Ziakas


II: Education

* Hellenic Paideia and the Church Fathers: Educational Principles and Cultural Heritage, Rev. Demetrios J. Constantelos

* Teaching Orthodox Hymns to Church School Children, Jane P. Kourtis

* Expanding the Boundaries of the Church, Rev. Dennis V. Listermann-Vierling


III: Theology

* Some Examples of Liturgical Adaptability and Creativity, Rev. Alkaviadis C. Calivas

* Spiritual Symbolism of Byzantine Iconography, Constantine Cavarnos

* Corporatism or Commonweal: An Orthodox Christian Perspective, Archbishop Lazar Puhalo

* An Early Monastic Perspective on What Christians are Called to Do, Daniel J. Nodes

* Wedding Benedictions Under Orthodox Canon Law, Dean Papademetriou

* The Grace of God in Creation: Palamas, Cabasilas, and Sacramental Theology, Rev. Peter J. Pappas

* Augustine: Growth in Grace and Understanding, Rodney L. Petersen

* We’ll not be there 10,000 Years: Christian Eschatology and the Life to Come, Rev. Gerard S. Sloyan

* Scholasticism and Orthodoxy: Some Current Observations, Andrew J. Sopko


Hard cover version for libraries is available by special order.

ISBN 978-0-9724661-6-5
