The Green Behind Every Shape
James Hatch
ISBN 978-0-977461-08-0
About the Book
The voices in the poems of The Green Behind Every Shape speak from history, from artworks, from music and opera, and from the current world, especially the modern urban condition. They seek, in often elegiac tones, to find the spirit in flesh, the meaning in disaster, the redemption in despair.
Praise for the Collection
“Sonorous, sensuous, austere, the poems in The Green Behind Every Shape are rich with oppositions whose wrestlings create an almost baroque tension. James Hatch's sensibility is chilled by the wintry blasts of history and warmed by desire; his poems, while they clearly show his wide and deep reading, sound beautifully like themselves. This is an authoritative debut.” -- Rachel Hadas, Poet
About the Author
James Hatch was born in New York City. He received a PhD in English from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and has taught at Hunter College, City College, Fordham University, and the Gallatin School (NYU). His work has been published in various journals, including, Partisan Review, Yale Review, Shenandoah, Nimrod, Southwest Review, and Kenyon Review.